Plexiglas holder with takeaway cards, 10 x 20 cm.
Silkscreened image on plexiglas, chromed clips, label, 122 x 152 cm.
Black and white photo entombed in plexi, chromed bracket, label, 9 x 15 x 11.5 cm.
3 perfume bottles (Eternity), glass shelf, chrome brackets, label, 46 x 13 x 10 cm.
22 mirrored plexiglas strips, each 1 x 189 cm.
Black and white photo mounted behind plexiglas, chromed clips, 135 x 150 cm.
Présentoir en plexiglas, cartes à distribuer, 10 x 20 cm.
Image sérigraphiée sur plexiglas, fixations chromées, cartel, 122 x 152 cm.
Photographie noir et blanc et moule en plexiglas, support chromé, cartel, 9 x 15 x 11.5 cm.
3 bouteilles de parfum (Eternity), tablette en verre, supports chromés, cartel, 46 x 13 x 10 cm.
22 lamelles de plexiglas miroir, 1 x 189 cm.
Photographie noir et blanc montée, fixations chromées, 135 x 150 cm.
Installation photographs taken at Powerhouse Gallery (La Centrale), Montréal, in 1989 at the time of the touring exhibition Legitimation, curated by Renee Baert, including work by Nell Tenhaaf and Jamelie Hassan.